Monday 16 July 2012

How come into Vietnam

You must have passport with the validity of at least 6 months before entering to Vietnam.

To make the visa on arrival, you are requested to send us in advance for two weeks, the following information:
1. Name:
2. Gender:
3. Date of Birth:
4. Nationality:
5. Profession:
6. Passport number:
7. Expiry date of visa:
8. Proposed date of entry:
9. Release Date proposed:
10. Flight details:
11. Purpose of visit (travel / business / family visit): travel
12. Type of Service (Approval of visa or visa on arrival): Visa on arrival.

We will submit these informations to the Immigration Service in Vietnam, which will give us the approval of entry visas. Then, we will send it to you by mail and you must print it while preparing 02 photos (4x6 black and white). On landing, taking this printed form, the photo and passport, you will directly report to the Bureau of Immigration at the airport. You directly pay 25 USD / person to the Immigration Police (preferably USD). The wait is 45 minutes or an hour, depending on the number of passengers.
In addition, the file preparation and file the application for the visa will cost you 15 USD or 11 EUR by per person. This cost will be paid to our guide.
The total is 40 USD or 28 EUR per person. Compared to Paris, your visa costs 80 EUR per person.

Entry visa to Vietnam:


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