Thursday, 19 July 2012


In past time, most marriages were arranged for different interests. Now, en general, young people have the freedom to seek their partners.

To fix the date of marriage, the two families meet each other, in following the advice of worship master, to avoid the'' bad day''. This choice is based on birth date of the couple's future.
The family of the young man brings gifts: Tea, candy, alcohol, betel ... in being present at the girl's parents in this moment : Le an hoi in Vietnamese:

Exchange gifts to fix marriage date between 2 families:

The marriage day arrives, the groom and his family are present at the bride's family and bring gifts: Betel leaves and areca nut, the wines, fruits, cakes, tea… wrapped in red paper (supposed to bring good luck), put in trays carried by various people carefully chosen (often married couples, for further good luck). All women carrying these gifts, are dressed in Ao dai, the traditional long dress. Some men may also wear an Ao dai, but generally they wear a suit and tie.
The boy's family comes and asks permission to bride’s family to marry their daughter and thank for growing and educating the girl. Traditionally, the bride is dressed in red Ao dai. But, she wears Western dress today.
The wedding ceremony begins at the altar of ancestors. The couple kneels and prays, asking their ancestors for permission and their blessing. The parents give them plenty of advices on "how to maintain a happy family". Then, the groom and the bride exchange alliances. The parents then exchange more precious gifts such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces… The ceremony shall terminate by a very copious meal.
The guests are often very numerous. They bring the envelopes of money to help the family to pay for the meal and to help the young couple.
We celebrate by drinking, eating, singing.
Before the prohibition in 1995 because of accidents, many firecrackers have been burned on this occasion.
After banquet, the groom’s family takes the girl with some members of her family to home of groom’s parents.
And the ceremony happen like at the girl’s family.
The young couple announced their wedding at the altar of the ancestors:
Now is the time to drink for the happiness of new couple before they spend some days in a honey moon  travel:

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